You are on the registration page for the 2024 MILWAUKEE® TOUR!

Sign up today to take part in the demonstrations of the latest MILWAUKEE® solutions, which are dedicated to professionals like You.

Come to the event and get a gift*.
See you later!

* The number of gadgets is limited. One person can only collect one gadget,
based on prior registration for the event. Collection in person only.


Akmé Kft.

Gyömrői út 76-80. 1103 Budapest


Metman Kft.

Mikepércsi út 154. 4030 Debrecen


Orbán Szerszám Kft.

Petőfi Sándor út 33. 4220 Hajdúböszörmény


Bezzegh Épületgépészeti Kft.

Szurdokpart út 6. 3200 Gyöngyös

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